December 16, 2011

2011 Northwestern Wildcats

Northwestern Wildcats

I'm not really sure how to feel about the Northwestern uniforms. I will give Northwestern the BFBS tag. Last I checked their colors were purple and white. And yes I am aware that historically they have had black pants and jerseys in the past, but that doesn't excuse the fact that they should not have be wearing black. The helmet is good. Nice purple shell, and I always love helmet stickers. The face mask being black works, sometimes, but it should be purple or white. The away jersey is a thing of beauty! I just wish it said "Northwestern" on the front, that would make it perfect! The home jersey, not too bad, black is used a little on the sleeve, but Northwestern would be better to just make all the stripes white. Plus both jerseys could use numbers on the shoulders. White pants equal beauty, black pants equal ugly. Odd there is no conference patch. I am one of the few fans of the new B1G logo, and I do think that they should add it on the uniform.

Helmet: A-
Home Jersey: B
Away Jersey: A-
Pants: A+ (white) F (black)

Final Verdict:


I really do like this uniform. They just need to drop the black and replace it with purple and white. Add a white or purple face mask, turn the black stripes on the home jersey to purple, and add "Northwestern" to the front of the uniforms and it would be great. But as it stands, Northwestern could stand to improve.

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