January 21, 2012

2012 Minnesota Golden Gophers

Minnesota Golden Gophers 

Helmet: B-
Home Jersey: B (maroon), B (gold)
Away Jersey: B
Pants: A (all)

Final Verdict:


So the new Golden Gopher uniforms are here, and frankly, I am unimpressed. Granted I really like the simple design they went with, but it may be too simple. First as stated in my review of the helmet, I don't like the black face mask. The face mask should be maroon or gold or possibly white (on a side note I did like the white helmet they had a few years ago), other than the that, the helmet is fine, but perhaps too dark. I do appreciate however that the rest of the uniform lacks any kind of black, except for the socks and shoes, bad move there. I have no problems with the pants, they are simple and have the proper team colors. The jerseys look decent, but a few flaws. First, I don't like "Minnesota" on the back, it should be on the front. I am a firm believe in player's names on the back of the uniforms, plus having just the logo on the front is pointless, as the logo is on the sides of the helmet. And I really hate the collar. Would someone please explain to me what that sticky, glazed looking this is on the front of the collar? I mean it looks like someone put a spider web on it or spilled something sticky on the jerseys. Every Nike team seems to be getting it and its really off putting and I hate it. I think that with a change of color on the face mask, putting "Minnesota" on the front of the jerseys, and perhaps some piping, it would get an "As Is" from me, but as it is, just a tweak grade.

For full pictures and video, visit this link:

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